SOKR Documentation
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Understanding Key Result Types and Weights

Key Results in SOKR app are categorised into three types: Commit, Target, and Stretch. Each type has a different level of difficulty and confidence associated with it. Additionally, each type is assigned a weight that is used to calculate the completion level of the Objective. 


  1. Commit:
  • This type represents the minimum requirement that must be achieved.
  • It has a high confidence level of 90% of being achieved.
  • It is assigned a weight of 0.5, which means it contributes 50% to the completion level of the Objective.
  • Example: If you have one Commit Key Result and it is 50% complete, it will contribute 0.25 (50% x 0.5) to the completion level of the Objective.
  1. Target:
  • This type represents a more challenging Key Result with a 50% confidence level of being achieved.
  • It is assigned a weight of 0.75, which means it contributes 75% to the completion level of the Objective.
  • Example: If you have one Target Key Result and it is 60% complete, it will contribute 0.45 (60% x 0.75) to the completion level of the Objective.
  1. Stretch:
  • This type represents a moon shot, which is a highly ambitious Key Result.
  • It has a low confidence level of 10% of being achieved.
  • It is assigned a weight of 1.0, which means it contributes 100% to the completion level of the Objective.
  • Example: If you have one Stretch Key Result and it is 30% complete, it will contribute 0.3 (30% x 1.0) to the completion level of the Objective.

 The completion level of the Objective is calculated by adding up the weighted completion levels of all the Key Results associated with it, and then dividing by the total weight. The weighted completion level of each Key Result is calculated by multiplying its completion percentage by its assigned weight. The total of these weighted completion levels is divided by the total weight to arrive at the completion level of the Objective.


If you have one Commit Key Result that is 50% complete (assigned weight of 0.5), one Target Key Result that is 60% complete (assigned weight of 0.75), and one Stretch Key Result that is 30% complete (assigned weight of 1.0), the completion level of the Objective will be calculated as follows: 

Completion level of Commit Key Result: 50% x 0.5 = 0.25
Completion level of Target Key Result: 60% x 0.75 = 0.45
Completion level of Stretch Key Result: 30% x 1.0 = 0.3

Total of weighted completion levels: 0.25 + 0.45 + 0.3 = 1.0

Total weight of Key Results: 0.5 + 0.75 + 1.0 = 2.25 

Completion level of Objective: Total of weighted completion levels / Total weight of Key Results = 1.0 / 2.25 = 0.44 (or 44% as a percentage) 

The completion level of the Objective will be 0.44 (or 44%) in this case, indicating the overall progress towards achieving the Objective based on the weighted completion levels of the Key Results. 

Hopefully, this helps clarify how the completion levels of Key Results are calculated and how they contribute to the overall completion level of the Objective.