SOKR Documentation
Table of Contents

What to do first

So you’ve just created your organisation and signed into SOKR for the first time. You are the Account Owner and need to set up your workspace. Here are the first set of things you need to do to get started:-

  1. Read the “Introduction to OKRs” article
  2. Write your Vision and Mission statements under “Our Purpose”.
  3. Invite your team members to your Workspace by going to “People and Teams” under “Workspace”.
  4. Create an organisation objective. Go to “Everybody’s Focus” and click “Create Objective”. While creating the objective, make sure “This is an Organisation objective” is checked. Objectives with this checkbox ticked will appear under “Everybody’s Focus” and everyone in the organisation will be able to see it in the “Everybody’s Focus” section.
  5. Add Key Results for the Organisation objectives. Click the button “0 Key results” under the Objective and in the expanded row below, click “Add Key Result”. Fill the form and create the Key Result. You can create a “Binary” or “Metric” result. A “Binary” result is a “Yes” or “No”
  6. Similarly create Objectives and Key Results for yourself and your team by going to “My Focus”.
  7. You can do both the above steps by clicking “Add Objective” on the main left menu.
  8. Add what you want to get done for this week by going to “This Week”. You can link each of the accomplishments for the week to the Objectives you have created.
  9. You can also create the “Projects” you are working on by going to “Projects” on the left menu.
  10. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. You are about to achieve all your goals!